Monday, October 11, 2010

What Are You Grateful For?

Gratitude is a powerful thing.  So often we fail to enjoy the abundance already present in this moment and instead focus on what's lacking.  Maybe we obsess over getting a better job, a different relationship, or a better body.  We fail to see the simple pleasures that really brings joy to our lives. 

Simple Pleasures:
1.) Sitting in bed at the end of the day with tea and journal/books
2.) The Purr and presence of my cat, Seymour.
3.) Soaking in the hot tub at Inman Oasis
4.) My dinner tonight: Chicken with Sage and Red Wine Sauce with Melted Havarti and Broccoli!
5.) My Job: Bringing Yoga, Rest, Relaxation, and Happiness to multitudes of people.
6.) My very gentle Yoga practice (since my fall off my bike and not so happy left leg).
7.) The ability to create, invent, and change my mind.
8.) My beautiful apartment
9.) Autumn Smells and Sights
10.) My London Fog at 1369  (Early Grey with Vanilla and Steamed Milk)...a great alternative to Coffee!
11.) ODD Eleven:  Feeling loved:-)

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