Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I look around me and all is changing
the dogwood trees are flowering
the cool air is being replaced by warmth
and the heaviness of winter is shedding off of me slowly...

Friday April 2nd was my last day working for AIDS Action Committee.  It was time to move on and stop living a double life of yoga (what I really want to do) and office work (something I never felt comfortable doing).   I am now embracing teaching yoga as my daily dharma.  It is not easy however to go from busy to relaxed with lots of unstructured time.

It's times like these when my yoga practice is so important.   I remember the yamas and niyamas or ethical ways of living according to Patanjali an ancient sage.  I think of the teachings about surrendering that which you cannot control and taking the plunge into uncertainty and vastness.  I remember to practice "contentment" with the way things are right now.

I know that when I stand in Warrior I pose I am strong and have all the tools within me to live a happy life.  I also know that when I fold forward in uttanasana or standing forward bend that i am leaving all that can't be changed to the universe and that also takes strength.  

Today I remind myself that I truly can only do my best in this life and hope that I was inspiration to others. I remember a quote from Anais Nin as I sit here in my sunny apartment in Early Spring:

"And the risk it took to remain small in a bud was too painful than the risk it took to bloom"

Peace to all of you.  Happiness to All.


1 comment:

Arlene said...

Good for you, Natalie, I'm glad to see you back to focusing on your yoga teaching path. It's tough, I know, but it seems since I've known you, it's been what you've wanted more than anything. I wish you the best. You now have two years of experience under your belt so that will help open doors to more teaching opportunities. I hope you're getting a chance to practice regularly, too. I find that to be most important to keeping my teaching fresh.