Sunday, April 25, 2010

2 to the Yama "Aparigraha"( Non-possessiveness)

What is it that you think you own?  Do you get wrapped up in owning your success in yoga poses, in career, success in relationships (or failures even)? 
The 2nd Yama we'll be exploring in our classes this week, relates to our tendency to cling, attach, and associate ourselves with what we think is "ours."  Do we hold on to an image of ourselves that is false?  Does our self worth come from our car, our home, or our wardrobe?  In exploring our relationship to "people, places, and things," where does the tendency to grasp come from? Is it fear of losing, fear of failure?  What would happen if we let go of our need to control relationships; whether it's wanting everything to go our way, expecting perfection, or thinking that we "need" this relationship.  If it's on our yoga mat and we just HAVE to perfect a certain pose, what is wrong with letting the pose open naturally into what it is at THAT moment?
Do we cling to an idea of ourselves or a loved one?   One of my favorite quotes comes from a little book called, "Zen and the Art of Falling in Love" 
"When he comes, let him come.  When he goes, let him go."  We do not own anyone or anything and we can not control any feelings, thoughts, or behavior that happens.  All we can do, is "let it come and let it go" without grasping.  
At the base level, Aprarigraha means do be non-greedy.  Have you noticed that when you REALLY identify with something materialistic and it is taken away that great suffering results?  How about you let go of something voluntarily BECAUSE you know how attached you are to it?  Give it up.  Let it go....and you are free. 
If you took away all of things you think you are.........what is left? 
I invite you to explore the act of being non-greedy in thought, word, and deed and see what happens over the course of one week.  May everyone be happy, May everyone be peaceful, May everyone be enjoyed. 

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