Monday, January 13, 2014

Order for a dis-organized Yogi

Happy 2014 everyone!  I have been turning a new leaf in my life focusing on health, fitness, and organization.  Organization of body or purification known as Saucha has been a daily practice for the last few weeks. It has spread into my mind, my environment, and my life. 

Detox I am, but not in that "cleanse" way where you dish out over $100 for something that comes in a box with promises to make you a brand new person.  No, No, NO!  Think DIY detox.  I recently have been adding a ton of fiber into my diet, getting my green juice on, eating way less sugar, and downing yogi tea.  I was blessed with adult "hormonal" acne so the Skin Detox Tea has been working wonders!!!! Yay to focusing on purifying body, mind, environment, and my life.  Add yoga and mindfulness practice to this and boy do I feel CLEAN! 

Over the last week or so I have been feeling like I actually have TIME.  The reason for that is I am using a planner/art journal.  It reminds me to meditate, drink my green juice, include mindful movement in my day and journal.  Planning my most important tasks each Sunday for the week ahead has really helped lay out my week and find spaces for working out, yoga, and reading.  Things I WANT to do.  Try it out!  Grab a journal, a planner (Try the Tranquility Du Jour Daybook by Kimberly Wilson), some colorful pens, rubber stamps, whatever you need to get creative.  Plan out your dreams for the year and your monthly goals each month.  I am amazed at how setting goals can really help shape your productivity.  Try it! 

Things I'm really liking these days....

Boyfriend became Fiance
Green Juice!
Free Yoga Videos on Yoga International  
 Meditating with Sally Kempton


Esther Cosio said...

Happy New Year, Natalie! Glad to hear 2014 is off to a great start for you!

Unknown said...

Thanks Esther! Hoping for happiness and tranquility for you this year!!!