So, what am I up to these days in regards to inner life:
I'm reading a book (of the many) called "True Refuge" by Tara Brach. Ms. Brach is one of my favorite meditation/mindfulness teachers; love her dharma talk podcasts and her books. Her book Radical Acceptance got me through Yoga Teacher Training like a good friend encouraging me to embrace myself as is, and open to the YTT experience fully without holding back. Now I am slowly but surely making my way through this second book. True Refuge is all about finding Peace and Freedom within. Realizing that the mind is building stories and realities in record speed while we gaze into life but really, our gaze needs to turn inward, leave the stories behind and find refuge right there inside the uncomfortable feeling, negative thought, or charged emotion. Peace is only a breath away inside you.
One of my favorite techniques that Brach invented is RAIN. This may be applied any time that you are resisting experience whether it be pain, shame, blame, aversion, anger, sadness etc,. Here's the technique:
R Recognize what is happening
A Allow life to be just as it is
I Investigate inner experience with kindness
N Non-identification
Sometimes, these techniques can help us remember that we do not need to feed in to each and every feeling or sense experience. Just like yoga, we can find the pause between the in and out breath, the space between thoughts (freedom) investigate and question everything. That is what a true yogi does!
Remember nothing is final. No feeling is final. There is no beginning or end to a yoga pose.
With that, I hope you will spend some time watching and witnessing experience. Allowing yourself to truly be with what is, finding refuge and comfort within your own body and spirit.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, ...Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” -Rilke
What else am I doing?Meditation
Using Groupons: Hit up the Elephant Walk with the boyfriend this weekend
Walking: Took a long walk at Prospect Park in Waltham
Watching: Girls and the show Revenge. I'm just addicted to the show but I totally don't believe in revenge! I'm also watching the Tudors....interesting show.
Eating: I just got off a stint of making and eating soups like crazy but now back to Kale and Qunoa.
Saving: I'm working on saving money and I've learned a lot about making myself happy, questioning what I need versus think I need. I am debt free (except for student loans) took 1 year but I feel free!
Reading: True Refuge, Glaciers by Alexis Smith, Age of Miracles.
Traveling: I'm heading out to Long Island this weekend. I have never been to Suffolk County so looking forward.
Teaching: Wednesday mornings now in addition to Sundays! So fun to practice before the sun rises and as it's coming up!
Practicing Yoga: My yoga practice is very organic, fitting it in when I can and doing what feels good!
What have you been up to this past winter? Are you ready for Spring?
Peace to all,
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