Lately, I have been dreaming of living a life in the woods surrounded by nature and immersing myself in healthy nurturing food, daily yoga, and giving my community the same. I do love Inman Square for it's quirkiness and for the Lily Pad of course, but I am now having visions of Western Mass. where I went to yoga school which feeds my soul and renews my spirit. I saw this renovated barn on Craigslist and pictured myself teaching beautiful yoga classes inside it's rustic walls while offering retreat space for teachers and their students. I have never been a "city" person and so at the ripe age of 33 (turning 34 next week) it's starting to reach a zenith
A nice inquiry comes out of all of this. How can we stay present whilst having high hopes and dreams for a different life? I mean, it's great to have dreams and goals but how can we practice Santosha (conentment) with the life we have "now?" rather than later while still keeping an eye out for the future?
In the meantime, I am basking in the joy of holding another wonderful yoga retreat at Sky Meadow Retreat Center on August 17-19th. There are still 3 spots left so if you'd like to join us, believe me, you won't be disappointed. Cella, Miles, and the Girls are wonderful hosts and really make everyone feel special and nurtured.
Remembering Pattabhois Jois' inspirational words: "Do your practice and all is coming." I need that reminder tonight.
In Peace,
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