Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Support Your Immune System This Season!

 It happens to the best of us. We wake up one morning sometime after Summer has officially ended and sense a scratchiness at the back of our throats. The first cold of the season! The good news is Yoga can help support you through just about anything and it doesn't stop short with these nasty bugs that hit us from time to time.

How Does Yoga Help?
Yoga helps lower stress hormones that compromise your immune system, while also conditioning the lungs and respiratory tract, stimulating the lymphatic system to oust toxins from the body, and bring oxygenated blood to the various organs to ensure their optimal function.

Below is a sequence to help keep your immune system in optimal working condition and a few tips  "off the mat" to support yourself this winter!

Yoga Practice for Colds and Flu
Start your practice with a few rounds of Dirgha Pranayama (Three Part Breath) while sitting in Sukhasana (Easy Pose). 

Begin with 3 rounds of Khapalabhati Breath (Rapid Breath through the nose) 
Moving Bridge Pose
(If you have enough energy do to 3 to 5 rounds of Sun Salutation A
Bhujangasana (Cobra)
Navasana (boat) lying on stomach
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
Downward Facing Dog
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Down Dog
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Head Stand (or Yoga Mudra on Head)
Down Dog
Pigeon Pose
Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle)
Wide Angle Seated
Matsyasana (Fish)
Legs up the Wall
Knee down Twist

Off the Mat
Zinc Lozenges:  first on your list!  Start taking zinc lozenges within 48 hours of onset of your cold/flu and you just might prevent it from getting worse! Zinc Lozenges can be expensive so purchase the generic brand. You'll be saving money in the long run by getting better quicker.
Drop the Dairy! Unfortunately dairy products block the passage ways and when you have congestion in your nose and chest you want to encourage it to move out!  Choose clear liquids like broths, water, and apple juice.  Drop Yogurt, Ice Cream, Milk, and Cream Sauces.
Get your H2O on:  Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day! Add lemon or cucumber slices if you want to jazz up your water.
Sleep:  This one is obvious but it is so important to actually rest and let the body heal naturally. Don't do yoga if you are struck with the flu, in this case your yoga practice would consist of resting in your bed with tissues and tea nearby.
Drink Tea (Drop the coffee!)  
My go-to awkward but helpful meal:
Chicken Noodle Soup and a Peanut Butter Sandwich: Chicken Noodle Soup is an old favorite. No one knows why it works, but it does. Perhaps the salt is very good for your throat, the steamy broth helps clear nasal passages, and I believe my added Peanut Butter sandwich gives you energy with it's protein component. 
Green Tea Kombucha by Yogi Tea is great for the immune system and tastes great!
Echinacea Elder by Traditional Medicinals, This one has a nice taste because of the elder berry and Echinacea reportedly helps kill a cold off quick.  This would be a great day time tea.
Cold Care PM by Traditional Medicinals, This one actually tastes decent and helps encourage you to relax and completely clears out your nasal passages.  This is my go-to tea when i'm sick and on my way to bed.  I always have a box of this tea in the cupboard just in case.
Emergen-C Packets: Try the Immune System Booster. 

I hope these tips and yoga sequence help you beat off your colds/flu this season but more importantly, lets take a preventative approach and practice yoga daily and treat ourselves well!
